Game Concept: Sengoku
The concept of the game was the war between a shinobu and a samurai - both born in the same time but different classes. The two warriors lead and train new recruits - being known as the best of the other warriors in the shinobus and the samurais. These similarities then take the warriors into continual battles against each other - each battle also has exchange of perspectives that slowly change the way each warrior think about each classes in the society.
In the game, the player gets to play as either the samurai or the shinobu to explore each experience the warriors has - shedding light about each classes' practices, backgrounds and history. Highlighting noblility, courage, bravery, loyalty, and hard work.
Game Symbolism
The design concept was to show a Japanese warfare theme. The colours red was chosen for the blood spilled throughout the feudal period chosen for the game concept, the circle used in the background and the cherry blossoms petals were used to represent the theme location and setting of the game which was Japan. The black and white was used to for an action, adventure, stealth theme aimed throughout the game art concept. Katanas (Japanese swords) were used to represent the battle between the two mercenary warriors – each Katana designed and shaped differently representing each warriors - shinobi and samurai.
Environment Assets
The Starry night